WASHINGTON (7News) — A few days after the Trump administration told D.C.'s mayor to get rid of the Black Lives Matter Plaza or lose federal funding, 7News was there as it was ripped apart.
Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia introduced a bill threatening to revoke federal funding from D.C. unless Mayor Muriel Bowser renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza.
7News found Tuere Marshall gazing, as the letters that spelled “Black Lives Matter” turned to scribble.
“The day when this was, oh my goodness, when this was constructed, it was amazing,” Marshall said.
READ| DC crews begin 'reconstruction' of Black Lives Matter Plaza
The pounds, drills and crumbles echo near the White House as the plaza is removed during an eight-week period.
“I had to come down,” Marshall said. “It’s my first time; it’s my first time coming his close.”
7News found Jessica Sawyer holding the words now erased from 16th Street.
“(I was) angry when I heard the Trump Administration had pressured the D.C. government to take this out,” Marshall said.
Days after the Trump Administration told Mayor Muriel Bowser to either remove and rename the plaza or lose federal funding, the mayor said she already had plans to “restructure the plaza.”
“I’m one with her,” Marshall said. “I’m totally in agreement with her. She does have bigger fish to fry. The inside story is you take this down and you may be able to keep home rule or the semblance of home rule that you have.”
Some wondered if the removal was part of a give-and-take with the current administration. Some also wondered how much more the District would have to give.
“This is just the first step,” Marshall said. “What’s next?”
No one in the city will give a specific or exact time frame on when discussions started for the removal of Black Lives Matter Plaza. 7News learned it's costing $610,000 local government money to tear it up. The Department of Transportation told 7News that funding is coming from money that was already set aside to maintain Black Lives Matter Plaza and from the road resurfacing budget.
DDOT said the middle lane will be resurfaced, the right lane will be patched with bonded stamped concrete.
As the plaza is being dug up, the city does not have an immediate plan for what, or if anything, will replace it. The Mayor’s office told 7News that discussions on the next step may start this summer as part of the D.C. Americas’ 250 mural project. The plaza goes back to being called 16th Street.
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