ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) - The suspect in the rape and murder of an Albany woman is pleading not guilty in the August 2024 case.
On Thursday, Johnnie Jones waived his arraignment, which means he is effectively pleading not guilty. Jones was arrested in August 2024 and is accused of beating, raping and abandoning Melissa Law to die near a church on South Jefferson Street.
“Every single day, we live through the grief of her not being here,” said Violet Hamilton, Law’s sister-in-law.
While Jones was granted bond on Tuesday, he is still in the Dougherty County jail. Hamilton said they’re still learning new details about Law’s death including that she may have made a call to the police just hours before she was attacked.
“That was a shock,” Hamilton said. “Surprising that it took a long time for anyone to find her, and there really didn’t seem to be any witnesses, and that was on a very busy road where she was.”
As Law’s family anticipates an early trial date, they say they’ll do anything they can to fight for justice.
“There’s really no way to explain how it is for someone to be taken so brutally away from you. We will definitely be there to let everyone know we gotta keep fighting for her.
Dougherty County District Attorney Greg Edwards said he’s hoping a trial date will be set as soon as next month.
Previous coverage:
- Man accused of beating, rape, leaving an Albany woman to die, granted bond
- Off-duty Albany officer finds woman in field after she was raped, nearly beaten to death
- Albany woman found assaulted in field taken off life support
- WATCH NOW: Honor Walk held for Albany woman taken off life support after assault
- Albany rape victim dies after being beaten, raped, left to die in field
- Albany man accused of brutally beating woman charged with murder
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