SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - School zone speed cameras are everywhere in the Coastal Empire.
Since they’ve become widely used by local police departments- a state representative believes they’re doing more harm than good- and wants to ban them altogether.
You’ve seen them while driving around town and maybe, do your best, to avoid them.
“It’s crazy that we’ve gotten to this point, where the fear of these cameras is so bad, that you’re gonna drive out of your way to avoid the area altogether,” said Representative Ron Stephens- (R) Ga 164th District.
Republican Representative Ron Stephens is sponsoring legislation that would ban the camera systems altogether.
He says after hearing of too many incidents of people being incorrectly cited by defective cameras- like people getting a ticket for going one mile over the limit, or people being cited even though someone else was driving their car, it’s the only move that makes sense.
“It’s the only scenario that we can think of where a person is guilty until found innocent,” said Stephens. “The nuisance factor is off the charts.”
Over 34,000 citations were issued by speed cameras in the unincorporated parts of Chatham County in 2024.
At $75 minimum a ticket- that’s at least $2.6 million dollars of citations issued.
But with the companies that operate the cameras taking a cut of that money- Stephens says they have no reason to fix defective equipment- and the rest of the money, isn’t going where it should.
“This was intended to make it safe for school zones, and not a windfall of profit for these camera systems that are by the way, out of the State of Georgia,” said Stephens. “It was not supposed to go back as a windfall for the taxing districts. It’s supposed to go back for school safety, and that’s not happening.”
The bill has been read three times in the House- and will go to hearing.
Stephens says he’s confident that some version of the bill- even if it is altered- will pass.
Copyright 2025 WTOC. All rights reserved.
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