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‘Equality through nature’: Koinonia Farm upholds rich Black History
‘Equality through nature’: Koinonia Farm upholds rich Black History
‘Equality through nature’: Koinonia Farm upholds rich Black History

Published on: 02/14/2025


AMERICUS, Ga. (WALB) - The word Koinonia means Christian fellowship or partnership. As we observe Black History Month, we spotlight one farm in Americus that created a place for African Americans and white people to work together, and it still exists today.

“Koinonia was like you had somebody to be on the same side with you. It wasn’t an enemy. You could come here and be treated equally,” said Norris Harris, Koinonia Farm member.

Blacks and whites have been working side by side at Koinonia Farm since 1942. This was a rare sight to see given the height of discrimination and segregation during the 1940s. While the farm upheld its principles of Christian living, it was not immune to hate from the outside world.

“Our roadside stand on US 19 was blown up not once but twice. There were drive-by shootings. There were fences cut, 300 fruit trees cut down, and sugar in the gas tank. So, it was a very hard time,” said Bren Dubay, Executive director of Koinonia Farm.

Koinonia Farm allowed African Americans to work side by side with whites during the height of...
Koinonia Farm allowed African Americans to work side by side with whites during the height of segregation.(walb)

There was also the economic boycott. At the time, local businesses refused to sell farm supplies like seeds or fertilizer to Koinonia farm workers.

“It was fearful. It was so fearful that I think some of the residents even moved away at that time,” Harris said.

But Koinonia never returned violence for violence. Instead, farm workers came up with innovative ways to work which led to the creation of a successful pecan operation that could be sent to consumers through the mail.

“It’s been a victory. It’s been an overcoming of obstacles that you would have been in your way on the outside. Here at Koinonia, you were able to overcome it,” Harris said.

It’s because of that mentality that Koinonia was able to birth several ministries and local initiatives such as Habitat for Humanity and the Fuller Center for Housing.

Koinonia Farm is located on 1324 Georgia Highway 49 South in Sumter County.
Koinonia Farm is located on 1324 Georgia Highway 49 South in Sumter County.(walb)

“The level of racism that existed at that particular time there’s still reminiscing of it as you move forward but what they harp us on here at Koinonia is humanity,” said Fredando ‘Farmer Fredo’ Jackson, a Koinonia Farm board member.

As Koinonia Farm continues to be a safe haven for everyone including African Americans, Harris said the rich history that lives on the farm will inspire the generations to come.

“We sing the song; we shall overcome, and then we say Black and Whites together. That’s what it’s going to be. Blacks and Whites together,” he said.

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