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Be sure to check out our Buffalo Bow and our Thunder Child longbows. Once in a while we have a few in stock but we normally take special orders for our traditional bows.

I build each of these bows like I was building it for myself. I'm proud of every one of them that goes out the door and I'm confident that you'll agree with me that they're some of the best shooting bows on the market today.

If you have any questions please contact us by calling: 229-344-1616 or you can email us @ [email protected] if you prefer.

Check out our take down options too. We offer two-piece and three-piece take down bows. They're rock solid, easy to put together, and they're a good to look at as they are to shoot.

albany hunting bows arrows


Opening Hours

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Friday 08:00 am to 05:00 pm

Meet the Owner

Profle Picture Big Jim Babcock Owner

Big Jim has personally built hundreds of custom longbows and take down bows. He is proud of every one of them and confident that they are some of the best shooting bows on the market today.

Big Jim knows traditional archery inside and out. But don’t let his size intimidate you. He’s full of helpful advice and is more than willing to share it with others. As owner, he puts his ... more

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